Set against the glistening water of Lake Quannapowitt in Wakefield, the 2024 ModFest cornhole tournament was a smashing success. 24 teams first battled in a round robin format before the single elimination tournament commenced. The heavy favorites, ‘Grandpa & Son’ and ‘Birch Bears’, seemed destined to meet in the Final for the second straight year. They were two of the five teams with a perfect record in the round robin.
The 21-8 score between the two juggernauts does not convey the competitive match. ‘Birch Bears’, a team comprised of a PE teacher and his student, were seeking their third straight title but ‘Grandpa & Son’ stopped them in their tracks and clinched first place in a re-match from last year’s Final.
Pictured to right: Team ‘Grandpa & Son’ with Mission of Deeds staff member and ModFest event organizer, Santiago Martin-Sancho.